Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Change of Plans

[image courtesy of Sue Spargo]

I am suppose to be at a day long Sue Spargo course in 6 hours.  Yep, it starts at 9:30 and it is 3:16 exactly right now.  This is some early morning blogging, isn't it?  

We have had coughs and colds and sore throats and the list goes on and on as does our collective illnesses.  It started with E on Friday (with a late night trip to the Children's Hospital thrown in).  Carried on with me starting on Saturday (no end date as of yet) and now is with our S who woke me up with his cough cough coughing.  He has finally fallen back asleep after about an hour straight of back rubs and forehead kisses.  

So it isn't looking promising for my Sue class tomorrow. And I worked really hard on getting everything ready for the class.  I mean, there was a lot of hand sewing done, my friends (something I didn't know how to do until last week-ish).

But I am not bothered in the least about missing out.

I am sure I will be able to take one of her courses in the future.

Because being a mama comes first (and I am not quite sure if in my sick, and now sleep deprived state, I would be any good at the course anyhow).  

Last week, Courtney over at C Jane wrote about how she broke her commitment to blog every day until Christmas because her little one was sick and needed her more than her blog did.  It was an amazing post about commitment and being a mother and what you go through when your child was sick.

I thought a lot about that post all day Friday, because it spoke to me  in light of leaving my big corporate job because in my heart I knew my children needed me at home more than my job needed me or I needed my job.  

I thought about that post Friday night as I stood in my driveway, uggs and pj's on, sobbing as I  watched Darrell drive with E to the hospital.  No one warns you when you have children that you will from that day forward wear your heart on the outside of your chest - with no rib cage or muscle to protect it, the heart is easily broken, especially when faced with the knowledge that your child is sick and that it is beyond you to heal them.  I am humbled by the strength of parents who deal with the chronic illness, or worse, of their child, on a daily basis.

And I am thankful for the doctors and nurses who worked hard to make my E well.  

So, there is a pretty big chance that it will be S and I snuggled up tomorrow watching ICarly all day (oh ICarly how I loathe your silly show).

But who knows .... Sue is teaching a course in Italy in the Spring ...

L xo

PS - If this post rambled, forgive me. It is almost 4 in the morning, after all.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Music Monday

We haven't had many sunny days here in Calgary lately.  It feels more like we live in Vancouver or something.  Rain, rain, rain.  The gloom is kinda getting to us all.  


D and I off to Scottsdale for 6 days on Thursday.  We were made for sunny days.


the sun is meant to come out starting Thursday so my sweet boys, who are also made for sunny days, will have sun too (and their Grandma too!)

L xo

PS - If I owe you a block from a bee, I am working furiously to get them all done before I leave.  I don't want all those blocks hanging over my head.  Next year, I am only joining one Bee.  That's it.  I just bit off more than I could chew, didn't I?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dare to be Square

Dare to Be Square Quilting by Boo Davis from Quiltsrÿche on Vimeo.

I may be late to the party on this one, but I just picked this book up yesterday and ohmygosh, I love it.  I haven't done a lot of solid colour quilting but this book may change that.  I absolutely love everything in this book.  And I am picky.  Which doesn't mean I don't pick up a book even though there may be only 2 patterns that I like.  But it does mean I am not quick to wholeheartedly, without reservation tell you to take a look at something.  

I am wholeheartedly, without reservation telling you to take a look at this book (or the video about the book - which, as an aside, I find very clever.  The whole video/book thing.  I used to review books for a national newspaper here in our sweet Canada and love all things books and, while the actual book will always be my first love, I am kinda digging technology as a means to get more people to read.  But I digress).

Take a look at this book because it is quirky and fun.  And has great patterns that everyone can do.  And is really well written.  That Boo has talent.  And from the patterns, I would guess also a great sense of humour.  Absolutely lovely, if I do say so myself.

I hope all is well with everyone.  We have a dog with a stomach ailment at Casa Cohen.  Restless nights to say the least.  Poor sweet Chester.

L xo

PS - In non-quilting book news, I am starting the Harry Potter book series (yep, all 7) again, for the 8th time, in preparation for the movie release in November.  Love them.

PPS - Boo's book is very cute and not offensive.  Her website may be for some of you (just sayin because I don't want to offend anyone).  I dig it because it shakes things up and I think that is a good thing.  Some may not.  (can you tell I am a lawyer, geesh, all the warning and waiver language ...)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Music Monday

Well, well, well, here we are again with a Music Monday.  I think every single preteen, teenage, twenty something girl needs to play this song over and over (advice from my almost 40 self who may now, finally, know a thing or two about this sort of thing).  Listen to the lyrics girls.  And go get a copy of Kelly Cutrone's book If You Have to Cry, Go Outside.  I wish I had that book in my early twenties.  Not everyone is going to love the book but it has some good advice, let me tell you.  Even for all of us out of twenties ...

And don't we love Sara Bareillis?  Yes, we do.

L xo

PS - This one is a dedication from my 20-ish self to that oh so awful ex-boyfriends from times gone by.  While my hot yoga self would offer love and compassion to those who may have done me wrong in the past, the Leanne I know and love revels in the fact that karma is a bitch, baby. xoxo

PPS - Next Music Monday we are getting all up and positive on it, I promise.  I am going to share my favourite album of right now.  It's a good one.  Promise.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Scenes From a Domestic Life

Well here we are at Friday.  We made it through another week, and we did well, didn't we?  This was Chester and I yesterday.  Laundry folding in the living room while we listen to Mindy Gledhill on the computer (I haven't downloaded her album to my iTouch yet).

Chester is at daycare today (playing with a schnauzer - how cute) .  Boys at school.  Yoga soon.  Coffee with some "friends that are boys" later.  And then a sewing session (and pizza) at Out of Hand.  Hooray!

But first, more laundry and kitchen cleaning.

All in all, a pretty good day, don't you think.  If I can get my act together, I'll post pics of what I get done tonight, tomorrow.

L xo

PS - Have an absolutely wonderful Friday.

PPS - There is snow on the mountains.  I had the most amazing view driving home this morning.  The sun was shining and there is snow on our Rocky Mountains (I know I said that already but snow = skiing and we LOVE that).  It was beautiful.  I am such a lucky girl.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Do you like my inventive title?  It is late and I am making good on my blog every day this week promise to myself.  Today was crazy - all the sewing I had planned ... not so much.  Tomorrow for sure.  It is just that life seems to get in the way of all of my good sewing intentions these days.  I am sure it will all done ... eventually.

See you tomorrow.

L xo

PS - I made these pincushions for the first Pincushion Swap.  I didn't sign up for the second - too much on my plate as it is.  There are some amazing pincushions being made though.  Kinda wish I had signed up.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I Am In Love ...

with hexagons (even though I haven't made that many recently - only for my bee blocks - that's one of them up there.

with satellite radio - I know I am the last one to the party but just got it this weekend - love it.

with my dog - because sometimes he is the only thing I talk to for hours - he is good company and a great listener.

with hot yoga - I am back at it and it feels amazing - my last two classes focused on commitment and whether you wanted to be the light or the bulb - I am choosing light.

with working from home - it is sometimes a hard balancing act but I love having the opportunity to keep working while being able to drive my beautiful children to and from school.

with bee friends who are patient with me as I am always late with my blocks - you know who you are xoxo

with bluelily photography - they are coming back to Calgary in August and I have already signed us up to have them take our pictures again - big hooray.

with lots of other things too but I am going to my inlaws for dinner tonight and we are going to be late if I don't get going ...

Talk to you tomorrow (I told you I was blogging all week).

L xo

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pillow Talk

Modern Swappers Pillow

I made this - start to finish.  It is perhaps one of the only things that I have completed, sewing wise, it what seems like FOREVER.  I used the amazing tutorial at Sewtakeahike and it was easy peasy.  I wish I could keep this sweet pillow, but alas, it it for my Modern Swappers partner (I like the swap, hate the name - is that okay to say?).  I have plans for more of these pillows for my own house.  Let's see if I can get that done before next year.

L xo

PS - I wanted to post J.K. Rowling's Harvard speech last week but last week was a little crazy, with first week back to school and all.  So here it is today.  It is brilliant.  I listen to it quite often because it is just so true (in my humble opinion).

J.K. Rowling Speaks at Harvard Commencement from Harvard Magazine on Vimeo.

PPS - I haven't shared this speech with the boys as of yet because I think they are too little to hear some of it.  I will make sure they hear it when the time is right.  You should share it too.

PPPS - I just realized I only posted 3 times in August.  Let's blame it on huge life change (first month not at job), shall we?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Music Monday

Finally ... a Music Monday. 

The boys have started school. 

I am winning the laundry war. 

I have lots to show.  Sewing wise, that is. 

I am blogging every single day this week if it kills me.  Just sayin. 

L xo 

PS - It was roundabout way from ... Nie Nie.,  C JaneBlue Lily photography ... to this song ... to me.   Found it last week.  On the day I celebrated my 10th wedding anniversary.  Very fitting song for my sweet D and me.  !0 years. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Coming Together

I have been at home and not at work for just over 2 weeks now.  It has been a little bit of an adjustment for everyone.  There have been good days and there have been bad days and there have been days where I have been called "the worst mother in the world" (thanks, S).  

Last week, my parents took the children on a trip to B.C.  I had a whole week to get it together - to figure out work, get things done around the house, etc. etc.  etc.  (I am fully aware that I have the most awesome parents on the planet).

The week started with me crying all the way home after dropping off the boys off with my parents.  All 15 minutes were spent in a total sob fest.  The worst mom in the world thing kinda got to me.  And having them leave ... Broke my heart, I tell you.  


Work got done.  11 loads of laundry got done.  Sewing did not get done.

Then D and I went to B.C. for the weekend to be with the boys and my parents.

And somehow, things just turned themselves around.  I had the best weekend ever.  We swam.  The boys hit buckets of balls.  We ate ice cream and had sleepover parties.  Wonderful.

And today.  Wonderful again.  

The sewing room is almost all organized (when I say sewing room, I should say basement because I took out 11 bags of toys for Goodwill and 4 bags of garbage while organizing the "sewing room").  

The boys went to tennis.  I did grocery shopping.

I made dinner and my family actually ate it.

And I went to hot yoga for the first time in weeks and weeks and spent 75 minutes just saying "thank you".

See, it is all coming together.  Everything feels right again.  

L xo

PS - I have really missed my blog.  Really.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

It is An Epidemic

Go here and see this at One Flew Over ...

L xo

PS - Funny to be able to say you know exactly what a person is going through.  But I do.

Let Me Tell You

I have no idea where time has gone.  No idea.  How could my last post have been July 26th?  I have had more than enough to write about.  Maybe that's the problem.  So much to write about because so much going on.  So much going on, no time for me.  No time for me, no blogging.  This makes me a little sad.

My last day of work in the office was July 29th.  I have been working ever since.  Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful to have the opportunity to work from home but between the boys, work, a house that needs a huge amount of work, visitors and on and on and on ... not much getting done sewing wise.

And if you could see my sewing room.  Yikes.  I started to reorganize and I just made a bigger mess. It is still in mess form.  Maybe today is the day for that room.  We shall see.

Anyhow, hopefully you will bear with me while we find our groove over here.  I don't suspect it will takes us long.

L xo

PS - we got our pictures taken by Blue Lily Photography on Sunday.  I can't tell you how much I love Wendy and Tyler.  They are amazing people.  Absolutely lovely.  My only regret ... I wore a grey dress. Had a massive headache and put the first thing on that I could find.  No worries though.  I know the pictures are going to be amazing.  And I am hoping that we can get Wendy and Tyler to take our pictures for years and years to come.  (thank you thank you thank you, Wendy and Tyler).

PPS - Wendy and Tyler taught me how to use my camera in one of their workshops.  Amazing.  I know all about my camera now.  And I so want to take their next workshop .... how to get to Washington, D.C. in October .... hmmm ...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Music Monday


L xo

PS - Last 4 days of work. Yikes!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

S on his 7th Birthday

Well, well, well .... Look who is 7! So hard to believe that my baby is that old.

Now this S man is one amazing kid. I am so glad that he came only 15 months after his brother - he made us a true family.

He came out singing and hasn't stopped.

I love this beautiful boy more than words could ever convey.

I am the luckiest girl in the world - if you could meet my family, you would know why.

L xo

Wednesday, July 21, 2010





So, awhile back, I did a Pin it Forward post.  My post followed that of an amazingly talented blogger named Emma Lamb.  Her blog is beautiful.  But if you read my post and clicked on her link, you wouldn't have seen her amazingly lovely blog.  

No, you would have seen an entirely different blog. 


And, until today, I had no idea I wasn't linking to the right site.  None.  Not at all.

My friend Melissa told me about it today.  

And, when I went back and saw the link that SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN, I have to admit, I kinda laughed my butt off.  Because it was so so so not the right link.  AT ALL.

If you want to see the wrong link, just take a "L" out of Emma's blog address.  

L xo

PS - I am so always using the "test this link" button on Blogger now.  Really.

PPS - Dear Emma, I am so very sorry.  Yours truly, L 

Lemons. Lemonade.

Since the Quilt Town Massacre, all things quilty have been getting done around here.  You would think that the opposite would be true, but we like to do things different chez moi.  Lemons.  Lemonade (the drink of choice around these parts).

The "getting things done" part in is thanks, in no small part, to my amazing mum.  Let me tell you, that woman is beyond amazing. Like just about the best thing ever! When I cut my finger, my sweet husband called her right away and the next day, after a 3 hour drive, there was my mum at my doorstep.  And boy, did she help out.  If you get a package from me in the next little while, that beautiful handwriting on the package, that's her.  Actually, the fact that you are getting a package at all, that's her.

Would you like to see what I did?

I got lots of blocks done.  The one at the top is for Jessica and our Bee's Knees VQB.

These are for Sherri and our Modern Tradition Bee {please ignore the ugly ironing board background - if you want to make me a new cover, I won't say no}

June Mod Trad Block

June Mod Trad Block

I also redid the letter T for Shea since she didn't get my original T and K for our Modern Quilting Bee.  Check out the blocks that people in the group have done for me for June.  Beyond gorgeous.

These sweet little pincushions are for my partner in the Scrappy Pincushion Swap.

Pincushion Swap

The little hexies are for one of my blocks in the Bee's Knees VQB (August is my month and I know it is going to be amazing).

Garden Glam Hexies

The fabric for the hexies is Josephine Kimberling's Garden Glam.  Isn't it just lovely?

I have even more to show you but ... I'll save it for tomorrow.

L xo

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Someone taught himself how to ride his bike!  How awesome is that?  We are so proud of our S man.

Pretty much nothing that kid can't do.  Love him and his brother to bits.

L xo

Monday, July 19, 2010

Music Mondays - Sarah Bareilles - Gravity

L xo

Friday, July 16, 2010

Franken-finger Friday

Shall we discuss the dangers of rotary cutters or do you think the pictures serve as enough of a warning?

L xo

PS - I now have to dress and clean my finger on my own every day.  There were tears.  More for feeling sorry for myself and not because it hurts all that much.  

PPS - If you could send my finger some positive energy to help the graft take, I would really appreciate it.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Block that Took My Finger

At least it is a pretty good one, or at least I think so.  Finished up today (it came away unscathed in the Quilt Town Massacre, as we like to call Sunday night).  It is all Flutterby goodness - the instructions were a non-traditional block of our liking.  I know the pinwheel is traditional but I am hoping the wonkiness will be enough non-traditional for my fellow Bee-er, Viv.

Thanks so much for the sweet thoughts about the whole finger thing.  It doesn't even hurt!  Sleeping with my arm up isn't the most fun I have ever had, but, all in all, pretty good times.

L xo

Monday, July 12, 2010

What I Wanted to Blog About

yesterday was this ... our sweet E leaving for sleep away camp for an entire week!  We are so proud of his big self and even though his mama had big tears, she knows he is going to have the time of is life.

Why couldn't I post this yesterday?  Why is there no music today?  Because I cut off the top of my left index finger with a rotary cutter, that's why.  Yep.  No tip of finger left.  Morphine, an ambulance ride, nausea, skin graft, stitches ... the whole shebang!

No idea what it looks like because it is all wrapped up.  I'll see it on Thursday when I meet with the plastic surgeon.

Who knew quilting was an extreme sport?

L xo

Thursday, July 8, 2010

On A Roll ...

I finished my Pillow Talk Swap pillow just in the nick of time.  I am 2 for 2, in case you were counting. This is the only picture I have since the pillow is off to its new home.  This pillow is BIG - a whole 24".  I machine quilted the centre and the chandelier-ly things in the border.  I hand quilted the bird outline in the centre and did colonial knots (big thanks to Deirdre for teaching me) for some of the turquoise and pink dots.  The back is more of the Echino fabric.  I can't wait to see what it looks like when it is washed and crinkly (I made it super sturdy so that it could be washed easily because, in my house at least, a pillow this size will be sat on the floor in no time).  I really liked this project even though these are not my go to colours (I didn't even know what a "jewel tone" was, really.  Ask my friend, Greta.  I had to ask her to tell me what she thought they were.)

I think on a go forward basis, I am going to do less bees and more swaps - more of a pick and choose kind of thing.  Lisa at Vintage Modern Quilts wrote a good blog post about bees and the like.  

I think I will follow her lead.

L xo

PS - I went to my embroidery class yesterday.  Have lots of catch up but think I am really going to learn a lot.

PPS - One of my clients just wrote me a very nice email about my leaving work.  Was the first time since I gave notice that I [almost] cried.  I think I keep forgetting what a big change this is.  Not that I regret my decision for one second.  I can't tell you how excited and grateful I am to have the opportunity to spend more time with my wonderful children.  It is just a big change, is all.

PPPS - Melanie at Texas Freckles won this week's Spoonflower challenge with her cheater fabric.  It is gorgeous.  Greta and I are going to split a yard.  It will go towards our hexes obsession.  I'll post soon about that.  I even have a picture of when it all started for me.  

PPPS - Hello, my name is Leanne and I am addicted to making hexes.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Finished Something!

Mod Bento Boxes

I know, I know.  Hard to believe.  But true.  All my Mod Bento Boxes are done.  And on their way to Jessica.  Overnight courier, of course.  Because I can't keep a date straight to save my life right now.  But let's focus on the positive.  THEY ARE ALL DONE  !!!!

Mod Bento Boxes

My pincushion for the Pincushion Swap is done also.  Just had to go get crushed walnuts in the lizard department of Petland.  That was a bit of an adventure.  No idea what I am going to do with the remaining gazillion pounds of litter I have left.

Pincushion, anyone?

L xo

Monday, July 5, 2010

Music Mondays

I am sure that you thought that if I could forget something as important as my embroidery class, then, for sure, I would forget Music Monday. 

Not so. Here you go. (hey, that rhymes).


L xo

PS - Hannah Georgas is from Vancouver. We love Vancouver. Very much.

Are You Kidding Me?

Is it really July?  Can someone, please, tell me where June went?  

Life has been a blur.  Far too much craziness and it is beginning to wear on us all ...  

When you have 2 people having 2 surgeries (the S man and his dad), 2 people finishing school for the year (hooray, we are on our way to grade 2 and 3), 1 person finishing work for awhile (why doesn't that free up any time?), 1 family adding a dog to the mix (we love you, Chester), 1 person who can't say no and signs up for everything (so has no reason to complain), you land up with Crazy Town (population 4 and a dog).

But, things are looking up, my friends.  Blocks are getting done, pillows are sent.  I honestly think that by this time next week, I may be caught up (doesn't hurt that 1 of my bees postponed our blocks for a month and 1 hasn't even sent out July - thank goodness).

And, as of tomorrow, I am back at hot yoga (serenity, now).

L xo

PS - Can you believe I missed my first embroidery class 2 weeks ago? I can (see above re: Crazy Town).  Not this week, my friends, not this week.

PPS - E goes to sleepover camp on Sunday.  Can't believe it.  Stay tuned ...

Monday, June 28, 2010

No Music but ...

I gave notice at my job today.  My last day is July 30.  
I am going to be a stay at home mom (mostly) for a little bit.
Wish me luck.

L xo

PS - Now that the stress of actually leaving my job is gone, I may be able to post more.  Or sew more.  Or both.

PPS - We may have a mice problem at our cabin.  I may have to sell that place.  I hate rodents.  (Not relevant to today's post but can't get it out of my mind).

PPS - Hope everyone is well.  I miss blogging.  How weird is that? 

Monday, June 21, 2010

Music Mondays

Holy moly, what a week I had.  Illness, surgery (not me), last days of school ... the list goes on and on.

Crazy town.  

Am desperately tired still. But couldn't miss 2 Music Mondays in a row, so here you have it - and in French! 

It is in keeping with my beautiful bilingual country (even though it is really from France - we love all things French here) 

Back soon with the world's biggest blog update ever. Promise.
L xo

Friday, June 11, 2010

Pin it Forward - What Home Means to Me

Today is my Pin It Forward day. 

I am so excited to be part of the Pin It Forward - a blog mash up put together by one of my all time faves in the inspiration department, Victoria of  SF Girl by the Bay and some really talented folks at Pinterest.  

(To be honest, I am a little overwhelmed by the company I am keeping by participating in this amazing blog it forward project - yesterday's post was written by the very talented, Emma Lamb - you have to follow her blog, really.)

The lovely theme of this Pin It Forward is "What Home Means to Me". 

While we plan our renovation and decide the colours of walls and floors, it becomes more and more clear to me that my home does mean not the four walls I live in, but the life I have with the 3 people I live with me inside those four walls.

Since it would be an impossible task to put into words what home means to be, these pictures are as close as I can get (a big thanks to Pinterest for making it oh so easy to put my board together.  I am in love with this Pinterest, it is true).

So ...

Home means everything to me.

Home means that I can be at my best and my worst and be loved either way.

Home means days full of sunshine and children laughing in the backyard.

Home is where I am safe and find comfort.  And sometimes, sleep.

Home means old stories read, new ones imagined ....

and art made.

Home means lots of cake ...

and celebrations and dance parties while making pancakes on Saturday morning.


Home means ...
Without my three boys ...

home would hold little meaning for me.

L xo

PS - As part of Pin it Forward, go check out The Road to Wonder Tomorrow on Monday. Better yet, check out the list at SF Girl by the Bay, and visit all the lovely blogs and their "What Home Means to Me" posts.  They are a ton of amazing blog posts to be read.

PPS - You can check out my entire Pinterest board on What Home Means to Me here. I have started a few other boards too. Once you get going, it is pretty hard to stop pinning.  Think of it as this week's For You Friday - you really need to get going on this.  Trust.  Go get an invite.  Now.

PPPS - I grew up in an amazing home (and I don't mean the structure).  I owe my parents everything for working so hard to make sure my brother and I knew that wherever we went in life, we could always come home.  I hope that my children will always carry our home in their hearts.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What I am Reading

Reading and sewing do not go hand in hand. Usually, it is one or the other. I am not sure how you would do the two at the same time, actually. 

Sometimes, to satisfy my craving for reading, I'll listen to books on CD or download them from itunes to listen to while I sew.  Do you ever get that way?  Where you can't bear not to be reading?

I have just reread The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.  I only reread it so that I could read the whole series together and now I can't find where I put the second book.  Annoying.  I do that though.  When a new book in a series comes out, I reread the series from the beginning.  So, for example, I have read the Harry Potter series a gazillion times.  I am planning on rereading it again in time for the new movie in the Fall.  Strange, I know.

Before that, it was Cutting for Stone which was amazing.  Amazing, amazing.

Now it is Her Fearful Symmetry.  I can't put this book down.  Not good when you have so much sewing to catch up on.  This book is by the author who wrote The Time Traveller's Wife.  That book had me sobbing so loud that my husband came running into our bedroom convinced someone had died.  Not lying.

The movie version of The Time Traveller's Wife was an unbearable disappointment that I would rather not talk about.  Not lying.

I have only read about 70 pages of Her Fearful Symmetry, but this book has had me from the first pages. 

Don't you love when that happens? 

I'll keep you updated on how it all goes ...

L xo

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Things I Learned ...


making my first modified bento box ... (which doesn't look like a modified bento box because I haven't cut it up yet - waiting for instructions from sweet Greta) for the Mod Bento Box Swap.
  1. I need to pin EVERYTHING.  I so want to be one of those people that just whip things together but I have to come to the sad realization that the "whip it together" kind of quilter just isn't me.  To just "whip it together" means to just pick it apart later when seams don't measure up.  So, I have to pin.  It takes more time, that is for sure.  And while we are talking about it, how do these people whip up quilt after quilt after quilt?  It seems like they must have elves helping out or something.  I do not have any elves.
  2. I am also not one of these people that can cut a bazillion layers of fabric at once.  Oh no, not me.  Because why be good at at least 1 time saving technique?  I, rather, have to cut in little bits to make sure everything doesn't go wonky.  Even then, my cutting is sometimes wonky.
  3. I think my first instinct in making this block was to make sure everything "goes" and thus, my bento box turned out too matchy matcherson.  I think there is a "throw caution to the wind" (kind of) component to these boxes.  Not having to plan everything out may make for some gorgeous blocks.  Sounds good to me.
  4. I have a lot of fabric.  It is kind of crazy.  While I believe this will help with the with the matchy problem of above, so much choice has lead to a very big mess in my sewing room.  There will be no pictures of said big mess.  I need to clean it up.  I also need to clean up the rest of the house.  I didn't learn that from making the block.  I learned that from looking around while typing this.  
I think this will be an ongoing list that grows as I make more of these.  I'll let you know.

L xo

[Edited to Add] 

PS - Add to list that I am learning that I may not be good at following instructions.  The reason why I didn't cut the block up last night is because I was unsure whether it needed to be four 7.75" or 8" squares.  If I had gone back to the instructions, I wouldn't have had to send Greta an email or ask the Flickr group (thanks, Meg!) because it was clearly written that the blocks are 7.75" (thanks, Jessica!).  

Monday, June 7, 2010

Music Mondays

Better late than never. It has been a long, long day. My sweet S had minor surgery today so our day started at 5. All is well.

I worked on my pillow a little but nothing to show, really.

L xo

PS - The next few weeks are going to be crazy sewing time. I have to finish blocks for bees and quilts for babies. Wish me luck

PPS - Sorry for missing For You Friday - hopefully back this week.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I Am in Awe

Let's take a minute to look at this pillow, shall we?  It is my pillow.  Not made by me (I doubt I could ever do such a good job) but for me! Made by my Pillow Swap 3 pal, Val.  

Can you believe it?  

I am in love with this pillow.  It is beyond gorgeous and made so well.  As this was a blind swap, I really lucked out, didn't I?

This pillow has made my day.  Really.

L xo

PS - If there is a Pillow Swap 4, I am signing up and crossing my fingers I get Val again.  Hint Hint.

An Almost Productive Weekend

Fussy Bee Block #2
Originally uploaded by lnwcohen
So. Here's the lowdown on sewing this weekend ...

Two Fussy Cut Bee blocks done (the picture is one of them).

One string block sewn at 3/8" seam allowance instead of 3/16" (don't ask why it isn't 1/4" because it isn't my block).

The letter "T" sewn. The letter "K" still in the planning stages.

Pillow Swap pillow started and plan for completion awaiting sewing this evening. If my swap partner doesn't like it, I'll take it back because I do.

Fabric for my June blocks mailed.

Porkchop Swap charms mailed (I am thinking that I will have lots from other packs to share with anyone who wants them - just send me a note).

Hexagon charms sent to my girls.

I think I am almost getting my groove back. Having terrible weather and snow helped. Nothing to do but stay inside. A lemons, lemonaide thing.

L xo

Monday, May 31, 2010

Music Monday - Eva Cassidy - Somewhere over the Rainbow

When E was born, we used to play Eva Cassidy's cd all the time to him. I absolutely love all the songs she sings. I think it is a great way to start a Monday.

Enjoy your Monday (holiday or not).

L xo

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Snow on Saturday

This is what we woke up to this morning. And it isn't like we didn't see snow earlier in the week. I love global warming - sure seems to be working.

Friday, May 28, 2010

From Where I Sit

So, I couldn't come up with anything good for For You Friday but I am on it.  Maybe tomorrow (insert quirky Saturday title here - can't come up with anything good for that either).


This is me.  Right now-ish.  I am in the planning stages of my Pillow Swap 3 pillow.  And I am making lists about all the Bee blocks I need to do this weekend.  I am kind of glad for the not-so-nice weather (read SNOW) because then I don't feel bad about staying indoors.

So, want to know what is in the picture?

  1. Jewel tone fabric for the pillow.  And a mix of textures.  Please tell me you think these are jewel tones.  Jewel tones are not my forte.  Also for said pillow,  Denyse Schmidt's Quilt book.  That's all you get on that though.  Don't want to give too much away.  
  2. On the right, my sketchbook that I got from art class today.  Pen sketching today.  Didn't not like it at first (so hard).  Am liking it more.  And found some inspiration on flickr and am going to do pursue it and see if I can combine the pen drawing with fabric - might be a way to like it more.
  3. Coffee cup - have I told you how many blocks I need to finish this weekend?  Enough said.
  4. Clutch from Emerson Made and bracelet from Hermes.  Obviously I have a little tidying to do as these should not be on the dining room table.
  5. Sketch done by one of my classmates.  She did it in about 3 seconds.  I stole it.  It is gorgeous and I am going to frame it - crease in the middle and all.
I know all my American friends have a nice long weekend ahead.  Hope it is enjoyed by one and all.

L xo

PS - Do you like how I didn't add any links to this post.  I am that lazy today.  Forgive me.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Charmed, I'm Sure ...

So my friend Greta talked me into doing hexagons.  I just learned to sew with a sewing machine last June and have never done any hand sewing so the thought of hexagons is a little daunting.  But, never one to say "no", here I am starting hexagons and attempting this little hexagon along with Texas Freckles (except there has been no alonging yet - this may be something that gets done to and from the drive to the cabin).

In order to have enough fabric to make all these little hexagons (I am doing the 1.5" ones), I have cut up a 4 charm packs and am going to do some swapping with Greta, Greta's mom, and my friend Ruth.  I have cut up a Flutterby pack, a Hushabye pack, a Nicey Jane pack and a Summer in the City pack.  Pretty good, I think.  I know the other girls are cutting up some beautiful fabric too so I am really looking forward to it.

I am also doing a little Porkchop Swap (I have no idea what that means) with some girls over that the ORBQ.  Haven't done anything with this group before so not sure what I'll be getting (we are cutting up 25 5x5 squares and sending them on to 7 other people).  Once I get my fabrics, if there are some that aren't my thing, I plan on putting a package of them all up for grabs.  I am sure that someone will want them. 

All in all, lots of fabric coming my way soon.  Got to love that, right?

L xo

PS - I sent out my May block fabric, my June block fabric and I know EXACTLY what I am doing for my July blocks.  Just need to finish everyone else's blocks.  If it is one of yours, sorry.  I promise it will be done shortly.

PPS - To my darling children - I realize the end of school is right around the corner and that you are oh so very tired of EVERYTHING but, guess what?  So are Dad and I.  So let's cut each other a lot of slack.  Before I send you to school with a for sale sign around your neck.  Love you always, Mom. xo

PPPS - You should see the blocks people are making for my Beatnik Bee month.  OHMYGOSH. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How Does Tunes for Tuesday Sound?

Well, all my great plans for sewing were put aside for 3 days of gardening.  I am so behind on so many things that it isn't even remotely funny anymore.  And as much as I would hate to do it, I think I have to drop out of a bee or two.  With everything that is going on, I am not getting to my Bee blocks, let alone the things I really want to sew.  And this is suppose to be fun for me, right?  And it isn't fair to others to continually have to wait while I get my act together. 

Time management, which used to be pretty easy for me, is no longer a strong suit.  It is pretty much non-existent right now, actually.  Which isn't a bad thing, per se.  Just a little rushing here and there.  And an inability to complete any given task.  (Okay, it sounds worse than it is).  But at least time is spent having fun outside with happy boys (and their million friends in our backyard), happy husband, and happy puppy.  And some new friends that we love, love, love (campfires with friends are the best thing ever - marshmallows and Bulmer's Cider go quite well together, just so you know).

Anyhow, yesterday was a holiday here in Canada so I didn't get around to posting (see above re: garden) for Music Monday. 

Hopefully this song is worth the wait.  I love this song.  Hope you do too.

L xo

PS - I have quilt posts coming.  Stay tuned.

Friday, May 21, 2010

For You Friday

Well, the posting hasn't been all that this week, has it? What with a new dog, a garden that needs some sprucing up, a job, and two children pretty much done with school even though we have 18 school days left, there hasn't been much sewing happening. But, there has been a little reading about sewing and knitting - right before bed with a 3 pound ball of loveliness beside me (that's Chester, in case you didn't know).  Pretty good way to end these busy days, I think.

So this Friday, thanks to my late night reading, I am sharing some crafty book goodness.  NOW, before you think I broke with the book plan, let me tell you that these were pre-orders (thank goodness for pre-orders or else my withdrawal would be even worse).  No new books, fiction or non-fiction were purchase by me for me this week.

Anyhow, here are my new favourite crafty books (in no particular order)  ...

Oh my gosh, it does not get cuter than this book.  The little birds are beyond sweet. There are patterns for mini quilts and embroidery and a whole bunch of other birdy goodness too!  Love it.

I bought this book on a whim and I have to say, I am pleasantly surprised.  And unlike most craft books I buy, I think I could make practically everything in this book (I am an overachiever, in case that hasn't been made clear yet).  There are 35 projects, just so you know.  This book is full of great ways to use up all those fabric scraps.

I am back at loving knitting right now.  It is easier to watch tv with my husband when we are both in the same room and I am not in front of a sewing machine.  (TV season is almost over though ... more sewing, perhaps? Probably not as the weather is too good to be inside).  This book is full of lovely "take with you" projects.  Since it is very difficult to take a sewing machine wherever I go, taking knitting fulfills my incessant need to always have something crafty in my hands.

So there you go.  Some crafty goodness for your Friday.

L xo

PS - Little Birds book is published by Stash Publishing.

PPS - Sewing Bits and Pieces  is published by Wiley

PPPS - Kntting 24/7 is published by Melanie Falick Books.
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