Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pillow Talk

Modern Swappers Pillow

I made this - start to finish.  It is perhaps one of the only things that I have completed, sewing wise, it what seems like FOREVER.  I used the amazing tutorial at Sewtakeahike and it was easy peasy.  I wish I could keep this sweet pillow, but alas, it it for my Modern Swappers partner (I like the swap, hate the name - is that okay to say?).  I have plans for more of these pillows for my own house.  Let's see if I can get that done before next year.

L xo

PS - I wanted to post J.K. Rowling's Harvard speech last week but last week was a little crazy, with first week back to school and all.  So here it is today.  It is brilliant.  I listen to it quite often because it is just so true (in my humble opinion).

J.K. Rowling Speaks at Harvard Commencement from Harvard Magazine on Vimeo.

PPS - I haven't shared this speech with the boys as of yet because I think they are too little to hear some of it.  I will make sure they hear it when the time is right.  You should share it too.

PPPS - I just realized I only posted 3 times in August.  Let's blame it on huge life change (first month not at job), shall we?


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