Monday, July 5, 2010

Are You Kidding Me?

Is it really July?  Can someone, please, tell me where June went?  

Life has been a blur.  Far too much craziness and it is beginning to wear on us all ...  

When you have 2 people having 2 surgeries (the S man and his dad), 2 people finishing school for the year (hooray, we are on our way to grade 2 and 3), 1 person finishing work for awhile (why doesn't that free up any time?), 1 family adding a dog to the mix (we love you, Chester), 1 person who can't say no and signs up for everything (so has no reason to complain), you land up with Crazy Town (population 4 and a dog).

But, things are looking up, my friends.  Blocks are getting done, pillows are sent.  I honestly think that by this time next week, I may be caught up (doesn't hurt that 1 of my bees postponed our blocks for a month and 1 hasn't even sent out July - thank goodness).

And, as of tomorrow, I am back at hot yoga (serenity, now).

L xo

PS - Can you believe I missed my first embroidery class 2 weeks ago? I can (see above re: Crazy Town).  Not this week, my friends, not this week.

PPS - E goes to sleepover camp on Sunday.  Can't believe it.  Stay tuned ...


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