- Bakery Air
- The Sound of Scissors Cutting Construction Paper
- Seeing Someone Laugh in Their Sleep.
Okay, that's it. Let's talk sooner rather than later and for sure before I leave for the Big Apple.
L xo
Like this
[Embroidery and Photo by Polka and Bloom]
Or this ...
[Embroidery Pattern and Photo by Penguin and Fish]
C'mon, seriously. So not fair. Look how pretty that is. If their banner is that sweet, can you imagine what kind of stuff they do. Lovely. Must learn how ...
(I confess that I already bought some stuff. Because there is a class list of materials. I even bought some patterns. I am keen. Oh so keen. )
L xo
PS - The whole "fits with my schedule" thing, is a lie. I can't/shouldn't fit anymore into my schedule BUT because I am somewhat obsessive/compulsive and when I want to learn something, I want to learn it NOW, it fits with my schedule. See?
PPS - I used to knit like crazy. Now I sew like crazy. The only thing about sewing is that, except for binding, it isn't super portable. Which means I have nothing to keep my hands busy when I am watching tv at night. Which leads to the "Cereal Problem". The problem is that I eat a bowl of cereal because my hands aren't busy and I lay there watching tv, convincing myself I am hungry. The Cereal Problem wouldn't be a problem if the cereal were, say, Special K. The problem is that it is Lucky Charms and Froot Loops and Frosted Flakes ... you get where I am going with this?
Here's the thing though. The week after I got my prints, I got a second set. Now, I thought that the second set might have been my mistake (I tend to do stuff like that) but when I checked etsy, it looked like the store sent them to me again, by mistake.
So I emailed them and told them I had received 2 sets and asked that they send me a bill so I could pay for the second set (I think they would make sweet little "thinking of you" gifts, don't you?).
And I got an email back saying it was their mistake and I was to keep them, free of charge. Which is just so kind. And such a nice thing to do. Because I would have gladly paid for them (everyone makes mistakes and this was a good mistake to make, in my books).
And so now the 2 extra posters are on their way to some quilting friends ...
Nice little story, don't you think?
L xo
PS - I met the nicest man EVER at Barney's in Scottsdale. His name is Jose and he works at the Cle de Peau counter. If you ever go by, stop in and say Leanne says hello. Nicest man. Really.
PPS - My most wonderfulest mom has my beautiful children for the next few days so I am going to work on getting some sewing done. Fingers crossed.