Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Very Specific Love (Nothing to do with Quilting Whatsoever)

The E Man
Originally uploaded by lnwcohen

My sweet E turns 8 in just a little bit and today I ordered treats for his birthday - personalized MandM's. Now, for those in the US, this is probably not a big deal. But here in Canada, as in Canada where they didn't ship personalized MandM's until very recently, it is. A very big deal. At least for me. But, shhhhh, it's a secret.

L xo

PS - I think the MandM's are going to be a hit.

PPS - I do still sew. It is all about quilting blocks right now. And a baby blanket. That baby blanket needs to be done by Friday. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can ....

PPPS - I got more fabric in the mail yesterday. Which is good. But, sometimes, it feels like I will never get to all the projects I want to do though. I think it partly has to do with making blocks for the bees I am in. Not that I don't love doing them. I do. It is just that I always get my fabric so late and then I am rushing, rushing, rushing to get them done by the end of the month. Which kinda takes the wind out of my sewing sails when I do have time to get to other things. Anyhow ...


marlene@ByTheSeam said...

The more I quilt the more I want to quilt and I don't think I have enough life left to do all the quilts I want to do. Happy Birthday to the boy!

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