Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ironing It Out

So I spent the weekend ironing and cutting rather than sewing. You see, I couldn't decide what to make my Farmer's Wife quilt (finally decided on Farmdale - thanks to my friend Greta who helped me choose).

Rather than just doing nothing, I ironed and cut for 2 quilts - a solid magic 9 patch and my Lou Lou Thi quilt.

Now just have to sew those up!

And work on my Farmer's Wife quilt ...

L xo

Monday, June 27, 2011

Music Mondays - Uncharted

Get out of your chair and dance.  Not all crazy and stuff.  But dance.  It will do you good.  Promise.

L xo

Friday, June 24, 2011

Where Was I?

Well, I couldn't tell you before I left.  Because even though there are only 24 of you out there reading this thing, I didn't want to announce that we would all be gone for 5 days and that would mean anyone could break into my house no problem during that time.

Not that I think the 24 readers I have would ever do that.

But the whole internet thing, you know?

Like do you ever think it is not so smart when people announce on Facebook that they are going away for 2 weeks and you won't be able to reach them ... Like that isn't a golden opportunity to break into someone's house.

Maybe it's just me, but I think you tell people when you get back.

But that's just me.  Maybe I am a little "glass 1/2 empty" on the whole thing.

Anyhow ...

We were in NYC for 5 fun filled days.  It was such a good time.  I am so so tired.

Needless to say, I have done absolutely nothing since we got back last night except work (there is no rest for the wicked) and try desperately to get through the 1000+ post on Google Reader.

You have all been very busy.  I am impressed.

L xo

PS - My dog went on a hunger strike while we were gone.  No lie.  He is a moody little fella, I tell you. (No idea who he gets that from).

PPS - Enough is enough, there will be sewing here shortly.  Promise.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Music Mondays - These Are The Days

For my sweet E who had such an amazing week. I can't tell you how much I love that little man.

L xo

Friday, June 17, 2011

I Am Making This Next

{photo courtesy of Stitched in Color}

I know what you are thinking.  Add this to the Along list and the list looks pretty much impossible.  But I just love this quilt.  I think Rachel has done an amazing job of putting this quilt together.  And there will be hand quilting (with AMH's new line of perle cotton), which I have never done before.

I've bought the fabric in a little package (how easy was that) and it is just waiting for me to cut into.

And I have to say, after not crushing so much on Innocent Crush (but it is growing on me), I am loving this line. So much so that I asked my friend Deirdre to order an entire bolt of this

for me to make curtains out of.  Which will be awesomeness if my house ever gets renovated.  Let's talk about that some other time.

I don't think this quilt will take a long time to do since the tiles are so big.  To showcase the fabric and all.  I can't start it for a week or so.

I'll let you know how it goes.

L xo

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Get Along

How about a list of the "alongs" that I have my eye on?

{photo courtesy of Lee at Freshly Pieced}

I started this one right when it started but I didn't get passed sewing part of 1 block.  Not because I didn't like the block or I wanted to give up, but because I had the two school quilts to do.  Those 2 quilts kinda threw a wrench into everything.  I'll get back to this eventually.

I think that this is going to be a great quilt along.  I have never done a quilt like this so am looking forward to the challenge.  And there will be templates!  So no need to buy a new ruler.  No idea what fabric to use but I am thinking solids (which I have never used before).

This might be a good one to use solids with, don't you think?  I have been wanting to make a zig zag quilt for a long time - probably since I started quilting.  And wouldn't this quilt match so nicely with my rainbow pillows that I can't seem to stop making.  My only worry is half square triangles - I think this one has them.  Not so good at those.

I would love to do a value quilt.  And Jenn at In Color Order is amazing at explaining all about how you go about choosing fabrics and colors.  Again, there is the whole half square triangle thing but it may just be worth it for a beautiful quilt like the ones Jenn has done.  

{photo courtesy of Lily's Quilts}

This quilt along finished up a little while ago but it is a type of quilt I would love to try.  And the instructions on the Lily's Quilts blog are really good.  And I have a whole fat quarter set of the Sherbet Pips ...

{photo courtesy of Bad Skirt Amy}

This is a flickr quilt along based on Bad Skirt Amy's tutorial based on a Setsuko Inagawa quilt.  

I am in love with the this quilt
{photo courtesy of Where the Orchids Grow}

so I may have to give it a go.

{Photo courtesy of PS I Quilt}

Let's talk about Rachel and her quilt alongs.  I missed the Postage Stamp along but used her tutorials and made an awesome quilt for E's principal.  Rachel is super good with instructions.  I am all over this because I know I can get it done and I have some Hullabaloo from Urban Chiks that needs to become this quilt.

Farmer's Wife Along

{photo courtesy of Fussy Cut blog}

Well if this hasn't caught on like wild fire, I don't know what has.  I have had this book for a long time.  Amanda and Angela started this up and it seems like everyone and their dog is doing it.  I am all in.  I saw pictures of Camilla Roskelley's blocks in her Bliss and Ruby lines ... gorgeous.  No idea what fabric to use.  Scrappy like the ones on the Twin Fibers Blog?  Dark with Liberty prints like the ones on I'm a Ginger Monkey?  Just using a few colours like A Life in Lists?  (the Life in Lists one is my favourite after Camilla's ... but Ruby doesn't come out until the fall and you can't find any Bliss to save your life ...)

I am going to be behind before I even start because of all the goings on over the next week.  But I am going to catch up and stay caught up (which is in no small part thanks to my friend Deirdre who got me started with the templates ... I am following her lead and doing this by paper piecing) by the end of June.

L xo

PS - "Get along" is a phrase used once and awhile in this house.  Some weeks are better than others.  Having children 15 months apart means that the boys do not know of an existence without each other.  This is more of a blessing than a curse but still has its challenges.  I wonder though, why we think siblings should always "get along".  I don't get along with everyone all the time (understatement).  I mean, I am not advocating all out brawling or anything, but the expectation that the boys will always get along is crazy.  I mean they drive me crazy and I love them to bits so how can I expect them to always be friends?  Maybe they have each other to learn how to get along with others - like having an almost twin sibling is practice or something for the big wide world out there.  Just thinking out loud here. 

I'll get back to you if I come up with anything good.

PPS - Are you still here?  This is the longest post EVER.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I Made This Too

I made this for the Goody Bag Swap on Flickr. 

I know I said "no swaps" etc. awhile back but my friend Greta told me about it so I thought I would give it a go.

I am back to "no swapping" now.  Not because I didn't like making the bag.  I did.  I sent lots of goodies too.

I am just not good with deadlines.  I want to be good with deadlines but I am not.  At least when it comes to this stuff.

I am good with deadlines when it comes to getting stuff done for the children (and let me tell you, June has been full of stuff to do for the children).  I am good with deadlines with work (although I missed a few last week because I was sick-ish).  

But when it comes to sewing, deadlines are not my thing.  Because of all of the other deadlines I have.  

I like to sew because I like to sew.  Putting pressure on to sew because I have left it to last minute because I have done 12 files, baked 7 dozen cookies, taken the dog to the vet, helped with school projects ... not so good.  And not so fun.

And I know that there are lots of people who sew like crazy, meet swap deadlines and do more than I do in a day.  I tip my hat.  Seriously.

L xo

PS - I am pretty impressed with myself with the quilt deadlines I had this month though.  The school quilts were done in advance of the dates and there was no rushing.  Even the pillow was a rainy Saturday afternoon thing.  All done with more than enough time.  I think that was a first for me.

PPS - I may not be good with the swaps and all, but the "alongs', let me tell you ... there are sooo many I want to join.  I have a list for you that I'll post tomorrow.  

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Look What I Made

Yep.  I made a pillow.  And I love it!  I just wish it was for me.  It isn't.  I couldn't end the school year without making something for S's Grade 2 teacher.  She is beyond wonderful.  And it didn't seem fair to make something for the principal and E's Grade 3 teacher and leave her out.   Just couldn't do it.

I am not sure if she will like it but if she doesn't, she can always just leave it in the classroom.  Unless the classroom gets lice THREE TIMES IN ONE YEAR like they did this year.  Then she will have to burn it.  Let's hope that doesn't happen - and not just for the pillow's sake.

I took my inspiration from a pillow I saw on flickr.  Super easy to do.  It is a 19.5" pillow with a 20" pillow form because I like overstuffed pillows, yes I do.

If I didn't have piles of work to do today, I would be making another one of these pillows.  I plan on making a lot of them.  Have a birthday?  You are getting a pillow.  A baby?  A pillow.  Anniversary?  A pillow ... you get where I am going?

One of the things I noticed when I was putting together the fabric for the pillow (I cut a lot of extra - see above for pillow making factory reason) is that I have almost no red or purple in my stash.  And it isn't easy finding red or purple that I like either.  

Strange, but true.

L xo

PS - I also made a skirt this weekend.  You will never ever see it.  Ever.  Not good.  Not good at all.  I don't think I am cut out for clothes making.  Unless it is pj's.  I am pretty good at those.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Music Monday - Bananarama

Cruel summer?  Really ?  I would take that over no summer.  While it isn't raining right this minute, the weatherman says there is more in store.

Rain, rain go away.  If you don't, I may have to move.  Seriously.

L xo

PS - I am old enough to have loved this when it came out.  Hard to believe, I am sure.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Another Reason for the Lack of Posting

Another quilt done.  Except that this one was done a long, long time ago.  I did have plans for another quilt to make and give but that one did not come together very well.  At all.  We probably shouldn't talk about that one.  Maybe some of those blocks will become pillows one day.  Or not.

And this one just needed a binding.  

And we needed another quilt because we just had to give one to E's grade 3 teacher.  Because she is getting married in a month and is just the most amazing teacher ever. 

So we decided this was the way to go.  And I am so glad.  I love this quilt. 

Binding was pretty easy.  I think I am getting better at it.

We had a surprise shower for E's sweet teacher (which is another reason for the lack of blogging - so many parties to plan, end of year and all).  

I think the quilt was well received, don't you?

L xo

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

One of the Reasons for my Lack of Posting

I have been busy.  Quilting.  Among a million other things.

You see, I had this plan to make my sweet E's Grade 3 teacher a quilt for an end of year/getting married present.  I had the planning done, the timing all in order.  Things were going to be great.

And then we got an announcement.  The boys most amazing principal was retiring at the end of the year.  Now let me tell you, Mrs. Kenny is amazing.  She is a kind and compassionate leader who isn't afraid to set the children on the right path, even if that means a little tough love every once and awhile.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate her and how much my boys have benefitted from having her in their lives.

So what could I do but make her a quilt too.  Two quilts, one month, no problem.  But just to make things interesting, I decided that the quilt had to be from everyone.  And that meant getting all 130 students and staff to sign the back of the quilt.  On the sly, mind you.  And then have enough time to get it to the quilter's.

And we did it.  And this Monday, we had a surprise assembly for Mrs. Kenny and my sweet boys presented her with the quilt on behalf of everyone.  I choked up.  It was so touching to see E, who wouldn't even approach a stage when he was little, speak in front of everyone to let Mrs. Kenny know about the quilt and how we made it because we love her so.

The quilt is the Postage Stamp Quilt from Rachel at PS I Quilt.  I mean I couldn't have whipped this one up without her amazing instructions for the quilt-along.  I pretty much love the pattern and have plans to make more of these quilts (let's be honest, they look like they are a lot more work than they are - not that they aren't work, but you know what I mean).

The back was some older Cosmo Cricket that looks like an exercise book.  Not sure what line it is from but it was perfect and fit our theme perfectly.  The signatures (which you can barely see) are so sweet, it is really just something else.

So, there you go.  One of the gazillion reasons why it was so hard to get to the computer for the last 5 weeks.

L xo

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Start Spreading the News

So I have had a secret for a little while.  And given that I have been erratic with my blogging (to say the least), it wasn't so hard to keep a secret.  But, as of June 1st, we were given the go ahead to let the world know about this AMAZING book and our blocks in it.  So, you see that book cover there ... I am in that book.  For reals.

I am so over the moon excited about this, I cannot tell you.

You see, most days I feel like I am the beginner's beginner with this sewing and quilting stuff.  I don't often get discouraged and pretty much always love learning new things but everything is new to me.  And I have to learn things over and over again.  I am not a "get it the first time round" kinda gal.  I have to say I am beyond lucky that I have friends who are willing to teach me over and over again (Hello, Deirdre!).

But even though I am the beginner's beginner, I am in BOOK!  That is such awesomeness.  And my block is a favourite of mine.  I mean I love it.  Not as much as my kids, husband or dog, but pretty close.

And even if I wasn't in Modern Quilt Blocks: 99 Quilt Blocks From Your Favourite Designers, I would buy this book.  99 different blocks!  All amazing!  Stash Publishing will have it available in October but I think I am getting an advance copy in August.  If I do, I will share.  Promise.

I am not sure if I can share my block but I'll give you a hint ... if you like working with all the different fabrics out there, you will like making this block.  Yes, you will.

L xo

PS - Others in the book, to name a few, are ... Fresh Lemons Faith, Thornberry, The Long Thread and Patchwork Duck Designs

Monday, June 6, 2011

Music Monday - One Republic

And we are back ...

L xo

PS - And, without a doubt, this is a good life.
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