Monday, April 25, 2011

Music Monday - Betty

Well, that was some weekend.  I mean, it was a sewing marathon.  Ask my friend Greta.  We were emailing back and forth all weekend.  It is nice to have someone to chat with while quilting.  Greta started and finished a whole quilt over the weekend.  Pretty awesome.

I am hoping to have a little post about all I did by tomorrow.

L xo

Thursday, April 21, 2011

So Much

It has been quite the week here.  I mean everything from taxes, to a death in the family, to Passover, field trips ... the list was endless.

I am exhausted.  

This may sound ridiculous, but one of the things that has kept me going is sewing.  Because we added 2 quilts to the list of things that must get done.  

And these quilts must get done.  

One is for the boys' principal who is leaving the school at the end of the school year (June 16th). 

One is for sweet E's grade 3 teacher.  E's teacher is super amazing and is getting married this summer. Also must be done for 

The principal quilt (for lack of a better name) is the postage stamp quilt that was on PS I Quilt recently.  I am already sewing up the blocks (there are 48) and the backing is done (I am having all the staff and students sign the back so am covertly getting that done too!).  I am using an American Jane Punctuation jelly roll from my stash for the quilt.

The teacher quilt (I am so original) is a pinwheel type thing called Summer Dreamin from Miss Print and Moda Bake Shop.  I am not sure what happened but I have a lot of Dream On fabric.  I mean a lot.  So I am using some of it up on this.  Using up a layer cake or two on this one.

I really am doing my best to use up my stash.  I cleaned up my sewing room last week (it took forever) and the amount of fabric I have was overwhelming.  Not that I don't love it, just that it has to be used.

And I have 2 quilts that need to make their way over to the quilters.  If I can get these other 2 done asap, it will be a record month.

But there is still all that binding ...

L xo

Monday, April 18, 2011

Music Monday

I know, I know,  this has nothing to do with music but c'mon, seriously, if this video doesn't make your Monday, well, I just don't know ...

I just adore this.  Hope you do too.

L xo

PS - Greta, I am going to get you more than an autograph.  Stay tuned.

PPS - What is all this craziness over Denyse Schmidt's DS Quilts line at Joann's.  We don't have Joann's in Canada.  Maybe that's a good thing?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oh Yes I Am


going to make curtains for my dining room out of the fabric with the huge print in the middle of the picture.  

I wasn't sold on AMH's last collection but I have seen some very nice quilts made with Innocent Crush lately and I am using a lot of IC in my Supernova quilt so I'd say that I am warming to it.

This new collection looks like it takes a little from the IC line but that print in the middle is amazing.  And has exactly what I want for my dining room. 

Because I have nothing to do and more than enough time to get everything done, we have decided to renovate the house.  Just paint and flooring.  Just.  

Knowing that I will have bright curtains eventually may help me through the renovation craziness (it hasn't even started and already it is nutso).

Did I tell you that I get to meet AMH when I am at the Heather Ross workshop in New York in October?  And Denyse Schmidt.  You read that right.

The reno will be over by then, I will have hopefully survived my first summer as a WAHM and the kids will be back at school.

I am thinking that I will more than deserve the time away,  if I do say so myself.

L xo

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What 9 Looks Like

Our last year of single digits for our sweet E.  A day filled with homemade cakes for home and school.  And exactly what was wanted for a birthday presents.  And a neighbourhood/family cake party with a school party to follow later in the month.  Oh to be 9 again.

My baby is 9.  Incredible.  I am so honour to be this wonderful boy's mom.  I can't begin to tell you how much I learn every single day just by being around this wunderkid.

I am one lucky girl.  Best day ever.

Happy Birthday, my darling boy.

L xo

PS - After the craziness settles (let's say Thursday), I have so much to tell you.  About quilting.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Music Mondays - A Somewhat Oldie but Goodie

I love this song.  Yes, I do.  I also love the fact that my boys are back at school after 2 weeks of Spring Break.


L xo

Wednesday, April 6, 2011



You haven't seen Chester in awhile and since I am visiting my mum with the boys and only brought miles of binding to sew, I have no really quilty pics to show you.  

Instead, you get Chester.

Chester has been with us for almost a year.  He pretty much rocks our world.  How could he not?  Take a look at that dog.  Awesomeness.

My friend Ruth started a flickr group about Pets and Quilts.  As soon as I actually get a quilt finished, Chester will model it for you so I can add a picture to the group.

L xo

PS - Staying with my parents affords me computer time.  A good and bad thing.  A good thing because I get to get caught up on all things quilting related.  A bad thing because my "want to do that too" list grows ever larger.

PPS - As of today, the "want to do that too" list includes:
  1. The Urban Lattice Quilt Along.  Long since finished but after seeing Lee's quilt, it is a must do too.  As an aside, in re-organizing my sewing room, I realized that I have a bazillion yards of Far Far Away II so I am just going to copy Lee and make the same quilt.  Why mess with a good thing, especially when you have a copious amount of the same fabric.
  2. Have a quilt quilted like One Shabby Chick's.  Have quilted not quilt it myself.  Let's be reasonable here.
  3. Make a quilt like Jolene did - I pretty much love everything she does so I could put all of her quilts on this list but let's just add 1 for now.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Music Monday - Mindy Gledhill

I am not going to lie.  Sunday morning was not fun.  I had this whole work issue completely blow up.  I am exhausted.  I was going to put some dreary music here for Music Monday in honour of my terribly foul mood but what good would that do?

Instead, let's start Monday off on the right foot.  Only a week of Spring Break left.  All is good.  No one is dying.  Work is just work.  All will be well.  Just breathe.  

(Can you tell I am talking to myself as I write this - blogging as therapy, who knew?)

Let's talk soon.

L xo

PS - Let's not talk about how the boys and their friends got to one of the sewing machines and now it only sews backwards.

PPS - My dad rocks.  He could talk me through anything.  I have the most amazing family ever.  

PPPS - Going to sew my first Supernova block together.  On the sewing machine that sews forward.  Wish me luck.

PPPPS - And how about all that nonsense going around on the quilting blogs about what quilting is.  Half square triangles, modern quilts not hard enough, need more tradition ... while I probably could add a ton of my opinion to the whole debate, I think we should all just sew.  Sew what we want and for whatever reasons we want, and not worry about the rest of it.  Just my two cents.

Friday, April 1, 2011

All Cut Up

This Supernova Quilt Along has a lot of cutting going on.  And because I am a little late to the party, I seem to be doing nothing but cutting fabric in hopes of catching up.

I have started cutting this stack up into the pieces I need to sew.  Instructions for sewing the blocks are already up so I have to get at it, don't you think?

I think all the cutting is going to be worth it though.  From what I have seen already, this Supernova quilt pattern rocks.

L xo

PS - Through all this cutting, it has come to light that my cutting skills are sorely lacking.  I mean crooked.  Not sure what I am doing wrong but I can tell you what isn't right.

PPS - I don't know how many fabrics I have going on with this project but I can tell you that I am not looking forward to refolding and putting away all the fabric I pulled to put this together.  How do people keep their sewing rooms so clean and organized?  It seems that the minute I get everything back where it belongs, I am back at it making a big mess.  I think that is the only not fun thing about quilting.  (Cleaning is the not fun about everything, pretty much).
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