Friday, July 16, 2010

Franken-finger Friday

Shall we discuss the dangers of rotary cutters or do you think the pictures serve as enough of a warning?

L xo

PS - I now have to dress and clean my finger on my own every day.  There were tears.  More for feeling sorry for myself and not because it hurts all that much.  

PPS - If you could send my finger some positive energy to help the graft take, I would really appreciate it.


wishes, true and kind said...

Oh, I feel so badly for you. I have cut myself with a rotary cutter (a fairly deep cut, but nothing like yours). I'm just left with a curved line on the side of my finger where I sliced in, and lingering numbness and tingling. I hope you have an exceptional recovery! And thanks for the reminder to be careful!

AllieKatMom said...

WOW Flashbacks here! I cut the same finger the same way. I still dont have feeling back in that area! That sucks! Mine did grow back though so Im sure you were thinking of that, I know I was. Quick healing vibes!!!!

RWL said...

my goodness!!!! grow skin, grow...

Anonymous said...

Wow. I hope it heals quickly.

britt said...

Oh no! I hope you have a speedy recovery. I have only nicked my fingernail so far. I use this Australian contraption called a Rule Steady when I rotary cut. It's pricey but probably cheaper than a trip to the ER! You can see a video here:

Best of luck to your poor finger!

beth said...

oh no!! I've always said...sewing is a dangerous sport!

Anonymous said...

Oh, looking at that makes me feel queasy :-( I hope it heals okay Leanne. The block is lovely and def wonky enough to be non-traditional.

Melanie said...

Oh, I feel for you! I cut the same finger, but at a different angle so that the blade stopped on the bone creating a deep slice rather than removing flesh. I had to have five stitches. I am so paranoid when I use the rotary cutter now.

I'll send some healing thoughts your way! Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery!

My Life In Stitch said...

Oh Leanne that looks so sore. Hope it heals fine.

Isisjem said...

Owwwy. Hope this heals real quick! I've only just started to use the rotary cutter I've had for ages because I'm not very confident with blades and knives. This is making me think I'll just put it back in the box and leave it be.

Gary said...

Totally sucks. I think you should just tell people you were in a knife fight protecting your family. Much more heroic than a losing battle with rotary cutters

Jen said...

Leanne... my goodness! Hope you are feeling better... the best part - two days later you showed that block who is boss! I had a minor finger-rotary cutter scuffle last year and it took me a while to be fine with cutting again. Do you use a big ruler? Mine is 6'' and has a grip at the top to keep it from moving (bought post scuffle). Feel better!

One Flew Over said...

Dear Lord! That's what mine is like!!

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