Wednesday, March 3, 2010


So we are making some big decisions around here. Big ones. Some that affect others, and the response will most probably not be all that positive. Some that will just affect the 4 of us, but they are life changing (as in my life changing) in good ways.

How do you know what the right thing to do is? Can I, can we do this? And how? How do you make a decision that is good for you but will disappoint others?

Much like my Mendocino fabric, I am placing these big questions in the hands of the Universe/God/Budha/Higher Power. I am asking for help.

And I am ironing. A lot. Because ironing let's my mind meander between thinking about the decisions I have to make and thinking about nothing.

All this ironing means lots of quilts, I hope.

L xo

PS - For the first time in my entire existence, I am going to ask for an appliance for Mother's Day. An iron. A really good, automatic shut off, iron. Times, they are a changing.

PPS - I am so grateful that I have the ability to make choices about my life. I do not take this blessed life I have for granted. I do my best to say thank you whenever and wherever I can for all that I have been given.

PPPS - If anyone is listening, thank you.


Lesly said...

Hang in there, Leanne. Sounds like big changes, but if they are chosen instead of imposed, then change is a good thing, although rough going, at times.

Jessica said...

Keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out for the best. I know it can be really tough to make changes, especially when you don't anticipate having everyone on board right away.

Totally with you on the iron for Mother's Day. That's brilliant.

annette said...

Change is always hard. BIG change a little harder still. The attitude behind it will hopefully make all the difference in how others accept it. Good luck, my thoughts are with you.

P.S. Pink Chalk Studios had a great iron recommendation on her blog not that long ago. you might find it of interest if you haven't already found one you're in love with

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