Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Something A Little Lighter

Well, I can't just post a heavy post like the last one and just leave it at that. Not my style. So I am back to lighten the mood. And because everyone needs to see this dress. Gorgeous. And this dress has made my day.

Now, I have only made pj's so far as far as clothing is concerned. But let me tell you, I will be wearing this dress this summer. Oh yes, I will. I am going to make it. Oh yes, I am.

I pretty much love everything Anna Maria Horner does (is there a fan club?). I am working on a huge fat quarter quilt out of her Garden Party and Good Folks fabric lines. My Modern Tradition Bee blocks had a ton of her fabric in them.

And that voile, well, I have a lot of it. Which is a good thing, because the dress is made out of voile. I can only imagine how amazingly it drapes and how good it feels on. I'll let you know all about it after I make it.

I think once this dress is made (mum, can I count on you for a "little" help???), I am going to wear it all the time. Except to Hot Yoga. But apart from that, all the time.

Thanks Anna Maria for another fabulous pattern!

L xo

PS - Lesly and Jessica - thanks so much for your comments on the last post. I totally agreeing about change and choice, Lesly. Will be all good. I know it. And really, if it isn't, I'll just choose something different again!

PPS - I got my pattern here.


Lesly said...

I love AMH, too - in April I am going to a conference in Nashville, which is where she lives - would it be too stalkerish for me to accidentally drop by her studio, like, excuse me, my car just ran out of gas and I saw the light on? Umm, I guess it would. However, that dress? Empire waists are the enemy to one who is "traditionally built".

annette said...

What a GORGEOUS dress & pattern! Good luck and please show us a pic when you're done.
P.S. Promise - you can do it!!!

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