Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Blocks that Turned it all Around

Well, confession time. I messed up on a Bee block. Not these. Another one (not telling you which one). And because I messed up, I was feeling kinda down on the whole VQB thing.

But then ...

I went through the fabric Katie sent me for my Beatnik Bee and things started looking up. I mean, I didn't use half of it and look what I got to work with. Gorgeous. And these blocks are going to be made into a quilt for her daughter. Which made me love these blocks even more. You see, with 2 boys, there isn't a lot of making stuff for girls around this house. And I love making stuff for girls. I am a card carrying member of the girly girl club (but I can get in the mud and up a tree like the best of the boys).

So big thanks to Katie. I am completely in love with my Bees again.

L xo

PS - This was the first time I sewed with Anna Maria Horner's voile. Not for the faint of heart. Takes a little getting used to BUT ohmygosh, is that fabric beautiful and soft. I'll be making a quilt out of it soon (and that Evening Empire Dress that I plan to wear EVERYWHERE).


Lesly said...

I stress about messing up bee blocks all the time, but it's not the end of the world. It's only fabric, after all. I'll still love you if it was my block you messed up! On another note, can you be more specific about the challenges working with the voile? I haven't cut into yet, but I'd love to know what to look out for before I plan my project.

RWL said...

one of the risks we all take with getting involved in bees is that we're human and mistakes happen! it's all part of the process. and like lesly said, it's only fabric.

so jealous you got to work with some little folks. its on my wish list...

Leanne said...

Lesly - you make me laugh every time I read your comments. Not good for the coffee up the nose but so so funny (the AMH stalker comment was hilarious).

Voile is awesome (almost decadent) but I found it flimsy (for lack of a better word). I was happy to have the solids for stability. I will use a microtex needle next time (used just the usual here because I was sewing with so many different fabrics). Maybe a whole quilt out of it would be better than just bits and pieces. Not sure. My advice would be to have a little extra yardage just in case. And a very sharp rotary blade. And go slower than normal.

I really do love it. Can't wait to make the dress. But also hope that she returns to making some quilting cottons next go round too.

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