Let me set the scene for you. Happily married couple carpooling home. A quick stop at the mailboxes. Chivalrous husband gets out to get mail (far too cold for the delicate countenance of sweet, gorgeous wife). Husband re-enters car with 4 packages all of which hold copious amounts of fabric. The conversation goes something like this ...
Him: I can't believe it. More fabric. They* are going to start thinking you are running a business or something.
Her: Like a grow op?
Him: Not so much.
L xo
(*No idea who "they" are)
Those are the best kind of packages, by far! My husband somehow doesn't notice when I get more fabric, luckily for me, I suppose!
I have mine delivered to the university, and from there I trundle it all home disguised as bags of student papers to mark! Such a hard working wife! The men who deliver the mail to our offices have been asking me what I'm getting that is so soft and smooshy and keeps coming week and week! Where do you like to order your from?
My hubby doesn't notice either and if he does he doesn't say anything.
LMAO. I can hear the convo in my head. LMAO again.
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