So. Here's the lowdown on sewing this weekend ...
Two Fussy Cut Bee blocks done (the picture is one of them).
One string block sewn at 3/8" seam allowance instead of 3/16" (don't ask why it isn't 1/4" because it isn't my block).
The letter "T" sewn. The letter "K" still in the planning stages.
Pillow Swap pillow started and plan for completion awaiting sewing this evening. If my swap partner doesn't like it, I'll take it back because I do.
Fabric for my June blocks mailed.
Porkchop Swap charms mailed (I am thinking that I will have lots from other packs to share with anyone who wants them - just send me a note).
Hexagon charms sent to my girls.
I think I am almost getting my groove back. Having terrible weather and snow helped. Nothing to do but stay inside. A lemons, lemonaide thing.
L xo
It sounds to me like you have had a very productive weekend. Well done.
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