Saturday, March 27, 2010
No Longer in a Bind

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Blocks that Turned it all Around
Well, confession time. I messed up on a Bee block. Not these. Another one (not telling you which one). And because I messed up, I was feeling kinda down on the whole VQB thing.
But then ...
I went through the fabric Katie sent me for my Beatnik Bee and things started looking up. I mean, I didn't use half of it and look what I got to work with. Gorgeous. And these blocks are going to be made into a quilt for her daughter. Which made me love these blocks even more. You see, with 2 boys, there isn't a lot of making stuff for girls around this house. And I love making stuff for girls. I am a card carrying member of the girly girl club (but I can get in the mud and up a tree like the best of the boys).
So big thanks to Katie. I am completely in love with my Bees again.
L xo
PS - This was the first time I sewed with Anna Maria Horner's voile. Not for the faint of heart. Takes a little getting used to BUT ohmygosh, is that fabric beautiful and soft. I'll be making a quilt out of it soon (and that Evening Empire Dress that I plan to wear EVERYWHERE).
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
One More Thing ...

The Half of It
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy Spring
[picture from http://www.nestprettythings.com/]
So many posts in February, so few posts in March. And now, nothing to show you that I have been sewing. But only because I can't, for the life of me, find my SD card or USB thingy. Since Valentine's Day. So much for the Love Month.
I have been sewing. And sorting. But nothing I am over the moon about. Just Bee blocks. Not that I don't like doing them, I do. Just that I am missing that "making a quilt top feeling". You know what I am saying?
I have had a little flickr mail convo going with my Bee friend Greta. Greta and I are on the same page about a lot of stuff quilting-ish. It is really nice to have a Bee friend. Except that Greta had me thinking so much about blocks for my Bees that I couldn't sleep last night. I landed up cutting away at fabric until 1:30 am. And I am only about 1/2 done cutting. Lots of little pieces. But I think this block is going to be awesome. I stole the idea from Red Pepper Quilts and from Greta.
[photo from www.redpepperquilts.com]
But, I really shouldn't be working on those blocks because they don't need to be ready until June or July (I can't remember). The Bee blocks I need to work on are those for my Beatnik Bee blocks. Those need to be ready to go by mid-April because May is my month.
The Beatnik Bee is kinda a quilting out of the box kinda Bee (I think). So I came up with a out of the box kinda idea. One of my favourite artists/illustrators is Charley Harper. We love Mr. Harper around my house. We have books with his drawings, colouring books with his drawings and games with his drawings. Like I said, we dig on Mr. Harper.
So, my Beatnik Bee blocks are going to be all about Mr. Harper. 12 different blocks with sizes no smaller than 10.5" and no bigger than 16.5". The size will be determined by my fellow bee-ers. I am going to send each one one of Mr. Harper's illustrations and then have them interpret it in their block. It can be as literal or as figurative as they decide. I am going to do up 2 example blocks to give everyone an idea and then I am going to let them loose.
In case you don't know who Charley Harper is, here are a couple of examples (not saying these would be the ones I would choose - something a little simpler will work better, I think) ...

I am going to send out lots of different fabrics - solids and smaller prints that match the picture the bee-er gets sent.
I actually think this is going to be a fun family thing to put together - I'll have the boys choose the pictures and then help with the fabric. With all these Bees, I think my stash will finally be mangeable.
Anyhow, I think I have more than made up for my lack of posting through March with this beyond long post. I am off to enjoy the sunshine and hot yoga.
I'll post pictures of all my quiltalong and Bee blocks soon.
L xo
PS - I bought myself that necklace today. How Springy is it? So cute I can barely stand it! I love Spring. Love it.