Reading and sewing do not go hand in hand. Usually, it is one or the other. I am not sure how you would do the two at the same time, actually.
Sometimes, to satisfy my craving for reading, I'll listen to books on CD or download them from itunes to listen to while I sew. Do you ever get that way? Where you can't bear not to be reading?
I have just reread The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I only reread it so that I could read the whole series together and now I can't find where I put the second book. Annoying. I do that though. When a new book in a series comes out, I reread the series from the beginning. So, for example, I have read the Harry Potter series a gazillion times. I am planning on rereading it again in time for the new movie in the Fall. Strange, I know.
Before that, it was Cutting for Stone which was amazing. Amazing, amazing.
Now it is Her Fearful Symmetry. I can't put this book down. Not good when you have so much sewing to catch up on. This book is by the author who wrote The Time Traveller's Wife. That book had me sobbing so loud that my husband came running into our bedroom convinced someone had died. Not lying.
The movie version of The Time Traveller's Wife was an unbearable disappointment that I would rather not talk about. Not lying.
I have only read about 70 pages of Her Fearful Symmetry, but this book has had me from the first pages.
Don't you love when that happens?
I'll keep you updated on how it all goes ...
L xo