Let's just put all our cards on the table, Big Guy. I know what side of the list I am on. But really, it isn't all my fault. You see, I had no idea that I would love quilting. Heck, I didn't even sew until last June. But there are these shops on the internet, and they sell all this beautiful fabric, and even though I live in Canada, the fabric comes really really fast. My favourite, Fat Quarter Shop just makes it too easy to add to my ever growing stash (check my Mastercard bill, you'll see ... on second thought, don't. I'll never get off the naughty list if you do).
I am certain that if you grant me one small Christmas wish, that I will be able to get through the holiday season with fabric buying at a minimum (let's be clear, that doesn't mean no fabric buying, just a reduction in fabric buying).

under the tree and I make the promise to curb the fabric spending until the New Year. I know it probably isn't enough to get me off the Naughty list .... but it is a start.
See you soon,
Little by little my dear, HO HO HO
:) I know, I'm right with you, girl! Yesterday I bought myself an early Christmas Present...the "One Yard Wonders" book. I couldn't stop myself!!! How greedy is that? Just 9 days before Christmas!!
Hope you get the FQ pack!
Sarah @ http://comeandseetheseitz.com
I didn't know you started a blog ;) I look forward to reading more, missy! We should blog about our book reading, too. *hugs*
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