I have been at home and not at work for just over 2 weeks now. It has been a little bit of an adjustment for everyone. There have been good days and there have been bad days and there have been days where I have been called "the worst mother in the world" (thanks, S).
Last week, my parents took the children on a trip to B.C. I had a whole week to get it together - to figure out work, get things done around the house, etc. etc. etc. (I am fully aware that I have the most awesome parents on the planet).
The week started with me crying all the way home after dropping off the boys off with my parents. All 15 minutes were spent in a total sob fest. The worst mom in the world thing kinda got to me. And having them leave ... Broke my heart, I tell you.
Work got done. 11 loads of laundry got done. Sewing did not get done.
Then D and I went to B.C. for the weekend to be with the boys and my parents.
And somehow, things just turned themselves around. I had the best weekend ever. We swam. The boys hit buckets of balls. We ate ice cream and had sleepover parties. Wonderful.
And today. Wonderful again.
The sewing room is almost all organized (when I say sewing room, I should say basement because I took out 11 bags of toys for Goodwill and 4 bags of garbage while organizing the "sewing room").
The boys went to tennis. I did grocery shopping.
I made dinner and my family actually ate it.
And I went to hot yoga for the first time in weeks and weeks and spent 75 minutes just saying "thank you".
See, it is all coming together. Everything feels right again.
L xo
PS - I have really missed my blog. Really.