So Bee Season is in full swing. Fabrics have been sent out, received and blocks have been made. Except by me. Because I haven't received any fabric. Which has nothing to do with the lovely ladies sending the fabric and everything to do with my new arch nemesis, Canada Post.
Canada Post and I have had our share of problems lately. It all stems from the fact that Canada Post delivers my fabric purchases mainly on the days when my husband picks up the mail (it doesn't come to our door but rather a "super mailbox" in our neighbourhood - kind of like a central location where everyone picks their mail up). Now I get that I bear some of the responsibility for the whole fabric purchase thing but really, some assistance in keeping my dirty little secret, my little dirty secret, would be appreciated. Greatly. The request has so far fallen on deaf ears.
But not one to miss an opportunity, I have decide to take lemons (otherwise known as the tardiness of Canada Post) and make lemonade. You see, February is my month for the Modern Tradition Quilting Bee. The Bee is all about making traditional blocks out of modern fabric. And since I can't make the blocks for my fellow bee-ers (see rant re: Canada Post above), I have decided to get my packages ready for February.
Deciding what to do has been hard. Super hard. Harder than I thought. And I really thought it would be easy. Probably should be. Anyhow, I digress ...
For my blocks, I have decided to go with the good old log cabin. It isn't a block I have done before but I really like the idea of straight lines with all sorts of gorgeous fabrics. So now I have pulled fabric, as you can see, and I'll start putting things together and getting it all ready to send out soon (envelopes are already labelled and ready to go).
See, lemons ... lemonade.
L xo
PS - It is my wonderful Dad's birthday today. Happy Birthday to the best dad there ever has been and will ever be. I love you.
Yay! I can't wait. I love log cabins and all the straightness and orderliness. :)
WOW! That is some beautiful fabric. I can't wait. Log cabins always look like fun but with that beautiful fabric I am sure they will be dreamy.
Nice nice fabric.
those will be lovely
Don't worry I have only just received my fabric so haven't made my block yet. Look forward to receiving my package with some of those lovely fabrics and the chance to do a log cabin block. Sandra
Well, I've had all my fabric (3 bees) and have yet to make a single one. ;-)
Lovely fabrics - will be gorgeous!
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